Food was my first love, and wine came much later, actually. I would be remiss to not include lots of food pictures and discussion here. And so, Wining and Dining was born.
Yesterday was the actual Fourth of July and like many in hospitality, I worked all weekend. I was able to fire up the grill last night, though. I actually just bought this grill and have no idea what I'm doing, but it worked out just fine, thank you very much.
I don't want to get too political here, and I definitely don't feel like defending my opinions to internet trolls, so let me put it this way: the last few Independence Days have been rough for me. COVID certainly played a part last year, and in general, I've found it difficult to feel particularly patriotic when I've been struggling with what was going on in this country. This year was a little different, for numerous reasons -- new leadership in place, the pandemic getting better, I'm fully vaxxed (truly Independence Day, then, yes?). My new home also has a classic Americana feel to it, with flags lining main street and kids playing in sprinklers. It is hard not to feel a little warm and fuzzy when confronted with that kind of nostalgia.

Nothing says 'I love this country' quite like Bruce's butt.
So anyway, I wanted to mark the occasion in my own quiet way, which ended up meaning cooking out. Cabbie played in his pool and I lit the Tiki torches around the deck and we both basked in the oasis that is our little backyard paradise. Dinner was cedar plank salmon, sliced potatoes in foil packets, and a caprese salad. I was at a wine tasting last week and someone mentioned that cedar plank salmon would be a good pairing for one of the wines, and I couldn't get it out of my head after that.
Not too shabby for a first grill attempt.
Currently listening to: Bruce Springsteen, Born in the USA, side B. Because, duh.
Currently drinking: Bota Box Dry Rosé. I won't judge you if you don't judge me.

Cabbie cooling off in his pool :)